
Love your PJ's.... and our planet too!

You’ve done it. You’ve finally found the holy grail of nightwear; that perfect pair of PJs’. But then, disaster strikes, in a total rush you throw them in with some dirty (and typically bright red) football kit and that lovely shade of white has become...

How to buy nightwear that will stand the test of time

In recent years the clothing industry has been given a bad press in relation to the environment and we believe some of this has been justified. We live in a culture where it had become acceptable to buy something, wear it once and then discard...

Fabric Matters

We’ve been working with nightwear fabrics for a long time. Without giving away anyone’s age, we realised recently that amongst our team, we’ve been involved with developing and selecting fabric for PJ’s, dressing gowns, chemises and nightdresses for over 50 years. You develop a knack...

Silk Pillowcases

If you are new here then you will quickly realise that we are fabric fanatics. More or less anything that involves fabrics and sleep combined, Fable & Eve will slightly obsess over. So when silk pillowcases came into trend, we of course had to add...
Sleep Tips

5 Habits to Help You Fall Asleep Faster

Lying in bed, eyes shut but struggling to fall asleep… we all know how frustrating it can be.  In between work, home life and social life, we are barely left any time in the day to stop and switch off. A lot of us struggle...

The Best Fabrics For Summer Nightwear

We all love lighter, warming evenings – but it is hard not to feel a little uncomfortable when it comes to bedtime and the outside temperature is still hot. Besides the obvious cold shower before bed, fan on and sheets off, we can understandably feel...