Finding Time for you
It can sometimes feel like life is going at a hundred miles an hour amidst day-to-day to-do lists, summer evenings round friends and holiday jet setting. The new flexible way of life was pitched to make our schedules more manageable, but in turn, we seem to have jam-packed our days with appointments and activities to make up for lost time.
As a result, we are left feeling exhausted before the weekend even begins. Here at Fable and Eve, we encourage the acceptance of dedicating time for yourself. Whether it’s watching your favourite show on a Sunday evening with a face mask on or going for a walk whilst listening to podcast. Making time for yourself is imperative for your body’s mind and soul, but it’s finding the time that is the hard part.
Here are three simple changes you can make that will give you those vital extra minutes in the day for yourself…
Plan ahead
The hectic nature of our everyday lives with so many commitments and so little free time, means we naturally reach for quick fixes – caffeine and fast food, for example. Our nutrition affects every aspect of our health and wellbeing, from weight to sleep patterns. Try plan your meals ahead of the week. That way, you only need to do one shop run, allowing more time for you and reducing the need to reach for the grab and go stuff.

Make a date with nature
Dedicate thirty minutes in your day to step outside. Breaking a sweat outdoors can leave you with a stronger sense of revitalisation, more energy and less confusion, anger and depression. Any kind of exercise can be great for stress relief, but it’s been discovered that exercising in the midst of nature can be a particularly powerful antidote, helping to lower concentrations of the stress hormone cortisol while burning calories and helping the immune system function correctly.

Prioritise your bodys recovery
The concept of ‘beauty sleep’ is nothing new. However, many of us fustratingly struggle to fall asleep at a reasonable time, let alone get our recommended eight hours a night. According to The Sleep Foundation, an excessive amount of screen time during the day and before bed can affect the body’s levels of Melatonin, often referred to as the sleep hormone. Truly, you are the one who knows how much sleep your body needs to function at it’s best, so choose a time and dedicate the hour prior to it to yourself. Ensure your bedroom is a place you go to relax in the evenings. Try dimming the lights (including switching off your phone), burning a candle and reading a settling book to comfort your senses and prepare your body to get the most out of our slumber. That way, you’ll awake feeling reenergised and ready to tackle the day ahead.