Pyjamas and Productivity: Working from Home in Comfort

Pyjamas and Productivity: Working from Home in Comfort

By now, working from home - commonly abbreviated to WFH - is a normalised concept cemented in many of our lives.

Although it’s undeniable that working from the comfort of our home has its benefits; including spending less money on buying lunch when yours sits at home in the fridge, avoiding disturbance from colleagues that love to chat about the weather, and best of all, cutting out the dreaded commute time entirely.

While these benefits pose an excellent argument as to why WFH should be a way of working that’s here to say, there are (if we’re being entirely truthful) some downsides. Most commonly, our home distractions and lack of accountability (as no eyes are looking at you), mean that sometimes our productivity can fall off the bandwagon. A delivery here, the washing pile there, and the ongoing list of home duties can interfere with our working day - sometimes, making us feel more productive than we would if we were in the office.

We all know that WFH can work, but if you are feeling in a bit of a rut during your stay-at-home days, then here are three tips to boost productivity: